Soul Arta

English Anna Khalaibash has always been passionate about art in all its forms, since she was a child. Due to unforeseen life events, she, unfortunately, was forced to pause her creative path for some time. Born and raised in Ukraine, she now lives and works in Sicily (Italy). During the Covid19 pandemic, the painter was able to rediscover herself and her artistic inclination by experiencing painting as a real form of therapy. Learn new painting techniques and attend classes, such as the one related to the use of the airbrush, which lead to the awarding of certificates. To date, his works present, in addition to the pictorial contribution, the use of brilliant applications that give volume and three-dimensionality to the compositions. Having rediscovered that sense of belonging to art at 360° that characterized her since she was a child, today, in addition to painting, Anna Khalaibash customizes clothes, collaborates with brands and artists and create beautiful 3D creations together with her husband. In one of the art exhibitions in the city Palermo you can find some of her paintings. She also participates in exhibitions such as ART 3F Monaco e Premio Maestri Miami. His latest production, especially related to commissioned works, has focused on a joyful and cheerful Pop Art style with the aim of spreading feelings of happiness and cheerfulness in the world, in an attempt to cheer up his own and others' souls. Her mantra: Never give up! Be good! Follow your dreams and don't be afraid to express yourself! Italian Anna Khalaibash è sempre stata appassionata d’arte in tutte le sue forme, sin da giovanissima. A causa di imprevisti e accadimenti di vita, per alcuni anni ha trascurato questo suo trasporto per la creatività. Nata e cresciuta in Ucraina, ad oggi vive ed opera in Sicilia. Durante la pandemia del Covid19, l’autrice ha potuto riscoprire sé stessa e la sua inclinazione artistica vivendo la pittura come una vera e propria forma di terapia. Impara nuove tecniche di pittura e frequenta corsi, come quello relativo all’uso dell’aerografo, che la portano al conferimento di attestati. Ad oggi le sue opere presentano, oltre l’apporto pittorico, l’uso di applicazioni brillanti che conferiscano volume e tridimensionalità alle composizioni. Ritrovato quel senso di appartenenza all’arte a 360° che la caratterizzava sin da bambina, oggi, oltre a dipingere, Anna Khalaibash personalizza vestiti, collabora con brand e artisti e si cimenta nella creazione 3D col marito e partecipa a concorsi ed eventi relativi all’ambito musicale. La sua ultima produzione, specie relativa alle opere realizzate su commissione, si è concentrata su un gioioso e allegro stile Pop Art con l’obiettivo di diffondere sentimenti di felicità e allegria nel mondo, nel tentativo di rallegrare la propria e l’altrui anima. Il suo mantra: Non mollare mai! Sii Buono! Segui i tuoi sogni e non aver paura di esprimere se stesso!